#LearningPlanet is about co-creating a world with values, actions and ambitions aiming towards the health and well-being of oneself, of others and of the planet, in accordance with the UnitedNations’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
#LearningPlanet is about building together a consistent global narrative that articulates ourcollective willingness to co-create a world with values, actions and ambitions aiming towards thehealth and well-being of oneself, of others and of the planet, in accordance with the UnitedNations’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).#LearningPlanet is also built around the belief that no single organisation has the power togather, curate, combine, promote and scale all necessary approaches to solve our sharedchallenges. #LearningPlanet therefore leverages the power of togetherness to ensure theemergence and development of comprehensive models in response to today’s complex socialand environmental challenges.
The #LearningPlanet statement of purpose is a useful place from which which to open up an African conversation on higher education and pedagogy.